Weight: 2 week visit, 7.78
2 month visit, 9.8
4 month visit, 13.78
6 month visit, 18.28, 82.78% YAY! She has gained weight.
Height: 2 week visit, 21.5, 97.25% haha!
2 month visit, 24
4 month visit, 26.25
6 month visit, 27.5, 94.77%
Head: 2 week visit, 14.2
2 month visit,15.5
4 month visit,16.5
6 month visit, 17.3, 88.83% Smart girl with a big noggin!
Marin was SO skinny in her early months because I was not producing enough breast milk. I was absolutely distraught that I couldn't provide the bare necessities for my child. I wept for a week straight, and felt inspired to ask a friend with the fattest, cutest baby I know, if she would be willing to donate breast milk to my lady bug. She was so touched and willing to help. I reached out to other women and friends and I was so overwhelmed with the outpouring of love I received, and the willingness to share what I consider the most precious gift one woman can give another. She is now 6 months old and has never had to have formula, and is still going strong because of the women who pump on a regular basis for me. It is astounding, the service and charity rendered for me and Marin. It has made me so grateful to be a woman and be part of a strong bond that men could never understand. So quickly was the response, it reminds me of this quote; “If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.”
― Magaret Thacher
I am so blessed with the example of woman "doing" in my life. All the wonderful supermoms who saw my need and came to the rescue in a matter of moments. My mom is the most capable, strong woman I know. She is so dependable and sees something that needs to be done, and does it. My sisters are that way too, along with my sister in law Shelby. This is something I need to learn to do better. Having the eyes to see a need, and do it. It is something I have to constantly be aware of, but what a good thing to be mindful about. I get to be a woman! We should rejoice in this idea. I have really claimed this role, and I have never felt more peaceful doing something than being that of a mother. It is what I was made to do. I love it, and I love all of you for aiding me in my effort. Martha Johnson comforted me when I was so sad about not being able to exclusively breast feed Marin by saying how Marin is so lucky. She is lucky to get all the different energy and love from the milk of all these wonderful ladies that are contributing to her growth and maturation. Not to mention she will have an amazing pallet from all the different foods shes getting haha! It is true. Marin is literally being filled with goodness and love from different women in my life that I love and respect. What a gift. For this I can never repay, but I can try and have eyes to see other women in need, and be quick to respond to the call as so many of you have to mine!